An invitation to anyone in our village community

We’d love to pray for you…

We would love to pray for you, your family, your workplace, your stresses or hopes, anything at all. As Christians, we believe that God loves you and is waiting with his arms open wide for you. We believe that he always listens to prayers and, although his ways are mysterious, he always works for good.

Whether you're a church regular or have never been to church in your life, you're welcome to fill in the form below with whatever you would like us to pray for you. You don't have to include your name or use fancy words - anyone can pray. 

Each day, one of our team will put all the prayer requests we've received into an email. This email will then be sent to our ministry team and other members of our congregation who have volunteered to pray over any requests that come in, and so within 24 hours they will be praying for you.

This is the first time we have done this, and we'll need your help to ensure it works well, so please note:

  • As this will be shared with a number of others, and therefore is not confidential, please ask permission of anyone concerned before you write about them, or write the request in such a way that no-one will know who it refers to (e.g. "pray for my neighbour", "pray for my friend J"). This part is your responsibility. 

  • We won't be able to reply to every message personally, but you'll see a thank you message pop up after you press 'submit' and that means we've received it and we'll be praying. 

  • The account the prayer requests are submitted to is checked regularly but not continually, so if you have an emergency, please do contact someone directly. 

Thanks for your help - we'll say one for you! God bless x
